Curriculum Vitae
Work History
VIS@betterworld lab Experimental Education Institution
Dean of Academic Affairs, June 2024—Present
Developed & led Professional Development sessions for VIS faculty as a whole, including 20 session-hours of professional development training in the Fall 2024 semester; feedback indicated that 90%+ of attendees found the training relevant to their immediate classroom practice.
Developed a cohort-based Professional Development cycle for VIS faculty, encompassing 3 years of personalized & school-supported professional development for all VIS teachers.
Conducted coaching walk-throughs totaling 50 hours (pre-conference, walkthrough observation, & post-conference) and evaluative observations of all VIS faculty. Teacher feedback rates this cycle as 7.5 / 10 for providing actionable improvements to teachers' classroom practices.
Collaborated with a working group of teachers with 50+ combined years of experience to develop a holistic, locally-responsive observation & evaluation rubric which spoke to VIS faculty needs and target areas of development. Teacher feedback rates the evaluation criteria as 4.2 / 5 for appropriateness to the specific needs of teachers at VIS.
Oversaw the realignment of all courses at the school with Ontario Ministry of Education provincial standards, while adjusting specific expectations for local conditions, to ensure clear vertical and horizontal alignment for students.
Developed, delivered training to implement, and oversaw the implementation of the school’s first formal syllabus & course plan documents for all courses across the curriculum. Teacher feedback rates this documentation as an average 6.6 / 10 for practical usefulness over the course of the semester.
Developed vertical & horizontal progressions for each department in conjunction with relevant Department Head & departmental teachers.
Integrated Gold-Standard Project-Based Learning (PBL) program approaches of authentic assessment, feedback & iteration processes, and student-centered learning to improve student engagement and achievement across the curriculum
Integrated planning for instruction to create & highlight connections with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the curriculum.
Head of English Department, August 2023—January 2025
Accelerated student growth through training teachers on effective instructional strategies.
English Department assessment data from the 2023-2024 academic year indicated that 39% of students experienced greater-than-expected growth in the Fall 2023 semester, and 60% of students experienced greater-than-expected growth in the Spring 2024 semester.
Developed & led Professional Development sessions for VIS faculty as a whole.
Delivered 10 hours of professional development training in the Spring 2024 semester; feedback indicated that 90%+ of attendees found the training relevant to their immediate classroom practice.
Proposed & led voluntary additional Professional Development sessions on the use of the Google Suite for Education, leading to 40% of faculty at VIS newly qualifying for Google Educator (Level 1 or 2) certificates.
Managed the alignment & purchasing of classroom materials, English Department showcases, and outside speakers, with a budget of ~$14,000US.
Planned & delivered a literature focused curriculum adapted from the Ontario Ministry of Education provincial standards for English language arts & literature courses.
Built a student-centered classroom & departmental structure through the use of Harkness discussion protocols & materials for English courses.
Integrated Gold-Standard Project-Based Learning (PBL) program approaches of authentic assessment, feedback & iteration processes, and student-centered learning to improve student engagement and achievement across the English Department.
Integrated planning for instruction to highlight connections with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the English curriculum.
Led a working group to develop and write an AI use policy for students at VIS. Working group included teachers, administration, students, and community partner input.
8th Grade English Language Arts/Reading & English as a Second Language Teacher; Academy for Academic Enhancement Gifted & Talented Magnet Middle School, July 2021—July 2023
Planned and implemented standards-aligned English Language Arts & Reading units based on novel studies and rigorous writing , editing, and revising practice for all students.
Differentiated instruction for Gifted & Talented students, Twice-Exceptional students, English-Language Learners, and Special Education students according to Individualized Education Plans & Section 504 plans.
Developed, sought & received funding for, and led the implementation of a STEM-intensive daily class for students in all middle grades (6-8) based on technology integration and project-based learning standards.
Collaborated with grade-level teams to coordinate cross-curricular learning opportunities, with ELAR department teams to ensure vertical integration of standards and instruction, and with STEM program teachers & administrators to ensure a variety of authentic project-based learning opportunities for students.
Analyzed student performance data to identify gaps in learning, opportunities for re-teaching, and utilized frequent reassessment to provide students with continual opportunities to demonstrate mastery of academic content.
Engaged in ongoing professional development sessions to refine teaching practices, implement internationally-recognized best practices, and align teaching practices to education research.
Teacher Corps Member; Teach for America, May 2021—June 2023
Collaborated with partner schools and community organizations to close the educational opportunity and resource gap for students in underfunded and historically-marginalized areas.
Built district and community-level funding for increased educational opportunities for students at placement campus.
Analyzed historical & contemporary educational achievement data to identify gaps in instruction and student achievement, and worked to create campus and community remedies.
Worked with students, parents, and community stakeholders to raise awareness of educational inequities and community solutions to increase educational equity and close the student achievement gap.
EFL Teacher & Writing Instructor; Kang Ning English School, October 2019—May 2021
Led English as a Foreign Language classes for students ages 6–15, and from beginner to high-intermediate English proficiency (CEFR Levels A1—B2).
Provided individual and small-group tutoring for students ages 6-adult. Tutoring focuses on test preparation and writing development. Students range from low-intermediate (CEFR Level B1) to advanced (CEFR C1-C2).
Created an engaging and motivating classroom culture which encourages fluency of expression and conversational competence.
Worked closely with other teachers and administration to develop and implement an immersive English-language curriculum to match students’ English abilities and cognitive development.
Provided individual feedback, reinforcement, and encouragement for struggling students.
The Rambler News Media
Editor-In-Chief; May 2017—May 2019
Supervised a staff of 7 salaried editors, 8 regular contributors, and various freelancers to create a vibrant digital news & current affairs organization serving the Transylvania University community.
Managed a budget of over $12,000, and the dispersal of payment to a staff of over 20 people.
Oversaw & directed a transition from a biweekly newspaper to an entirely online multimedia news platform
Broadened coverage to include Lexington-area news and local issues of interest.
Expanded multimedia efforts to include regular podcasts & music playlists to reach a more diverse audience beyond the text-first readership.
Developed & nurtured partnerships with local organizations & local community leaders to create a series of Rambler-sponsored campus events from 2018 onward, including legal education panels and community outreach events like open mic readings with the Transylvania Writing Center.
Opinion Section Editor; May 2016—May 2017
Supervised and mentored a diverse group of 5 writers in developing their distinct authorial voices and perspectives in conjunction with the Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director.
Managed a continuous and consistent output of content in a variety of media formats, both with digital and print columns as well as audio podcasts and other multimedia projects.
Opinion Columnist and Interviewer; August 2015—May 2016
Developed and maintained strong argumentative writing skills to present a cogent column in a consistent, readable style to attract regular readers and reactions.
Worked under tight deadlines to produce weekly columns of a consistently high quality on a variety of topics.
Developed and maintained strong critical research skills to both prepare detailed, focused, and critical interview questions as well as create current, community-impacting writing.
Conducted rigorous fact-checking and editing processes throughout the writing of each story and column.
Classical Music Critic; UnderMain Online Magazine; May 2017—May 2019
Interview a variety of subjects involved in classical orchestras and chamber groups in Lexington, KY
Write reviews of concerts grounded in the music history of the genre in a manner accessible to new listeners & readers.
Summer Intern; City of Huntington, WV Budget Office; June—August 2017
Worked as a liaison between the city budget staff and other city offices to ensure the city’s account books remained current.
Maintained databases of city utilities payments & payment history and of city-reclaimed properties.
Summer Intern & Research Assistant; Cabell County, WV Prosecuting Attorney; May—August 2016
Worked with office manager and paralegal staff to organize and maintain current files on open cases.
Researched law and record for cases, as well as factual record of expert witnesses and factual questions, for both trial and appeal proceedings.
Theater Camp Instructor; St. Peter’s Theater Camp; June—August, 2016, 2017, 2018
Instructed 12-18 children aged 5 to 18 in vocal projection and articulation in a variety of accents, idioms, and dialects.
Worked with students both in group lessons and 1-on-1 sessions to analyze texts with an eye towards performance and delivery.
Instructed students on breathing and movement techniques to maximize vocal performance options.
M.S.Ed. Degree
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
Major: Educational Studies
GPA: 3.9
Honoraria: Presenter, Connecting Across I.D.E.A.S. Conference
B.A. Degree
Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Major: Philosophy, Politics, & Economics (PPE)
Minors: Spanish & History
GPA: 3.8, Dean’s List 8 Terms
Honoraria: Alpha Lambda Delta, Inducted December 2015 (Freshman Honorary Society)
Phi Alpha Delta, Inducted December 2015 (Pre-Law Honorary Society)
Sigma Delta Pi, Inducted April 2019 (Spanish Language Honorary)
Pi Sigma Alpha, Inducted May 2019 (Political Science Honorary)
Holleian Society, Inducted May 2019 (Liberal Arts Honorary)
Professional Licenses
Administrator (Principal / Assistant Principal), Grades P-12
District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education, State ID DC8579889136
Qualified Teacher Status
UK Department for Education, Teacher Reference Number 2159504
Reading & English Language Arts, Grades 7-12
Texas Education Agency, Lookup Number 2358383
English as a Second Language, Grades 7-12
Texas Education Agency, Lookup Number 2358383
English Language Arts & Reading, Grades 5-12
Illinois State Board of Education, Lookup Number 1266592
English as a Second Language, Grades K-12
Illinois State Board of Education, Lookup Number 1266592
Teaching English as a Foreign Language, 120-hour Certification
International TEFL Organization, IATEFL Member No: 31183
Volunteer History
Americorps Fellow; September 2021-June 2023
Developed local sociological and historical knowledge to determine how best to serve the local community.
Collaborated with local community organizations and placement site to build community events and cultural bonds.
Engaged in professional development to encourage reflective practices in a context of servant leadership.
Transylvania University Student Judicial Board
Juror; September 2015—May 2019
Balanced documentary evidence & witness testimony to arrive at reasonable determinations of responsibility in cases with varying witness statements with a focus on a restorative justice approach to each case.
Engaged in frequent, vigorous, and evidence-based debate among Board members in closed deliberations when determining responsibility, and when levying sanction in cases where responsibility is found.
Deputy Hearing Officer; September 2016—September 2017
Elected for a one-year term by the members of the Board.
Recorded full confidential records of all proceedings undertaken by the Judicial Board.
Maintained all other Board records, including correspondence with all complainants, all accused, and any witnesses & exhibits of evidence related to relevant cases.